Euphorbia lactea, or Mottled spurge, is a deciduous, spiny, usually leafless, cactus-like succulent shrub or small tree. It can grow to a height of 15 feet, but is typically maintained as a 1 to 2 foot houseplant. The plant has spiny stems and mottled branches that are green with white lines. Tiny leaves do appear in summer, but drop quickly leaving the plant leafless. Flowering is rare and the plant does not tolerate frost. Other characteristics include 4-angled stems with paired black stem thorns. If injured, the plant will ooze a toxic, milky latex.
Sunlight: Partial to Full Sun
Water: Once a week
Fertilizer: Recommends slow release nutricote or lactobacilius Aquis fertilizer
Rootball: Dia 10cm x Ht 10cm
Plant: 18-25cm
Pot: Ceramic pot with drainage
* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.
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