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HOLA! Hoya Pachyclada & Hoya Kerri (hanging) (0.3m)

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $38.88.

This limited edition set consists of two special hoyas; Hoya pachyclada and Hoya Kerri Variegated.

The flower shown is the flower from the hoya pachyclada, which has an attractive white and glossy appearance. 

Sunlight: Medium to bright light

Water: 3 times a week.

Fertilizer: Recommended to use slow release nitricote or organic Aquis lactobacilius fertilizer.

Plant size: approx 20-30cmH (vary in sizes)

Pot type: Plants are mounted to a board that has a hanging hook for easy handling.

*Note that plants may not be in bloom at the point of purchase, but with proper care, the plant may eventually bloom.

4 in stock

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