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Philodendron Hastatum Silver Queen, Silver Sword 0.6m(H)

Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $80.00.

The Philodendron Silver Queen has stunning silvery leaves. They are a beautiful, and compact plant.

It has blue-tinged leaves and arrow/ sword-resembling leaf shape, the Philodendron Hastatum will make a unique and wonderful addition to your home collection.

Best-grown in medium light, though lower light levels are acceptable, the plant is also often referred to as the Silver Sword Philodendron.

The plant is generally easy to grow and has glossy leaves which will usually tolerate lower light conditions.

Like most philodendrons, the Hastatum enjoys bright, indirect sunlight. In your home, this could be a place close to a window, but not directly in front of, as this can lead to the foliage burning.

Sunlight: Partial Sunlight

Water: 2-3 times a week.

Fertiliser: Recommends slow-release nitrocote or organic lactobacius Aquis fertilizer.

Plant Size: Approx. 45cm to 50cm H (vary in sizes)

Rootball/Pot Size: 15cm x 15cmH

Pot Type: Sold with ceramic pot with drainage hole.

*Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

* Kindly take note when you’re purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size. 

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